You already face stress if you need extensive repair or total roof replacement. A good roofer wants to reduce your stress, not induce it. So good roofers usually offer a path to financing major roofing projects by providing home improvement loans. EnerBank is one of the lenders Alan’s Roofing works with.
EnerBank only partners with contractors with proven track records in residential remodeling. That minimizes lender risk, so they can offer attractive terms to customers. EnerBank offers low monthly payment loans, online or paper document loan processing, and fast approval valid for 120-180 days. That allows you and your roofer to work out scheduling for repair or replacement work.
Henry Ford made money selling cars available only in black (black paint dried the fastestand was cheaper). But offering customers only one choice is no choice, so Alan’s Roofing also works with Florida’s Property Assessed Clean Energy (PACE) program for customers who qualify.
This financing is a ‘Debt of Property’ rather than personal debt. Because the financing is attached to the property and repaid through your property taxes, it is classified as a property assessment instead of a loan.
PACE eligibility is based primarily on your home’s equity, your ability to repay the assessment, and your mortgage payment history.
Homeowners financing through the same company performing the home improvement enjoy many benefits:
- Smooth processing with minimal waiting times
- One point of contact for all the details
- Tapping the long history of reliability and quality the roofer offers assures the lender of minimal risk
Other arrangements to finance a complete roof replacement or repair can cost you a lot of money. Unsecured loans (through a credit card) generally have the highest interest rates. Look around, and do some comparing. You will find that financing through a home improvement-specific lender can save you time, protect your roof warranty, and reduce your worry.
Alan’s Roofing works with homeowners throughout central Florida, Orlando, and Tampa. Contact us today to learn more details about our roof financing options.