What is the best shingle color? The answer depends on the eye of the beholder. Now, more than ever, Florida homeowners have choices when selecting the best shingle color for their roof. The possibilities are endless. Ultimately, suppose a homeowner wishes to secure a particular shingle color. In that case, they need to work with a reputable roofing company with access to a diverse selection of asphalt shingle roofing products.
Owens Corning Platinum Preferred Contractors work diligently for any homeowner pursuing a unique shingle color that will address their needs and preferences. As North America’s most recognizable asphalt shingle manufacturer, Owens Corning provides phenomenal quality shingles that ensure maximum, long-term performance.
Selecting The Best Shingle Color For Your Roof
Take the following factors into consideration when choosing the most appropriate shingle color:
1. Architectural Style Preference
The general rule of thumb is that lighter shades of asphalt shingling complement lighter shades of paint or siding. Conversely, darker hues of asphalt shingles pair well with darker hues of paint or siding. However, this rule is not hard and fast. Mixing and matching can be an option in today’s world.
2. House Style
The typical roof represents approximately 40% of a home’s exterior surface. The relative visibility of that roof surface plays a vital role in determining the ideal shingle color. If a home’s layout obstructs the ability to see the roof from ground level, shingle color may take on less importance.
3. Landscape Environment
A home in a heavily wooded area can prosper from a shingle color with a complementary shade of green. A home near a body of water, such as a lake, could benefit from utilizing a shingle color with a blue hue. The amount of sunlight, compared to shade, a house receives can also affect shingle color choice.
4. Local Climate
Typically, dark colors absorb more sunlight than light colors, which are more likely to reflect the sun’s rays. When a house is in a setting where the roof could be exposed to prolonged sunlight from sunrise to sunset, the general recommendation is to incorporate a lighter hue of shingle to reduce heat buildup.
5. Pattern Contrast Preference
Every shingle product projects a particular pattern. Most patterns incorporate different color hues to help accentuate the pattern to the naked eye. Choosing a “busy” pattern will likely mean a variety of colors, including complementary and/or contrasting shades, to enhance the shingle’s appearance.
6. Roof Pitch And Angles
A roof with a steeper slope will have more surface area and likely exhibit increased visibility from street level. Consequently, the selection of a shingle color matters significantly. A lighter shingle color tends to be more dominant than a darker color, which will likely blend in better.
Involving The Right Roofing Professional
If you own a home in Central Florida, consider Alan’s Roofing for all your residential roofing needs. Alan’s Roofing uses Owens Corning Shingles, which come in various colors.
Since 1987, we have met the needs of homeowners throughout the region with outstanding customer service, exceptional craftsmanship, and unparalleled roofing products.
Contact Alan’s Roofing today to learn more about our roofing services or to schedule an appointment and receive a free estimate.