Alans Blog 12 4 2023 1 (2)
Alans Blog 12 4 2023 1 (2)

Preventive (or preventative) roof maintenance involves a periodic or routine inspection to understand the roof’s condition. This comprehensive evaluation of a roofing system identifies problem areas and how best to address them. As the most effective tool for maximizing a roof’s service life, preventive maintenance mitigates or eliminates issues that may otherwise expedite the need to replace the roof.

What Preventive Roof Maintenance Involves

A knowledgeable roofing professional expertly trained in preventive roof maintenance techniques understands the process of effectively managing a thorough plan of action. Within this scope, a homeowner should expect any or all of the following strategic approaches:

Examine the entire roofing system, including all components and penetrations (flashing, soffits, fascias, conduits, vents, etc.);
-Inspect the sealants for any cracking, openings, or deterioration;
-Investigate the source or root cause of any roofing problems;
-Prepare an actionable blueprint to address significant roofing challenges; including cost…
-Repair minor roofing issues and defects;
-Review existing roofing warranties to ensure ongoing compliance;

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The Benefits Of Preventive Roofing Maintenance

Avoid Unexpected Expenses

No homeowner looks forward to hidden surprises that result in costly repairs (or worse). Who has the time and resources to address significant (or unexpected) roofing problems? Steer clear of this dilemma. Proactively managing your roofing system provides you with the advanced information you need to resolve potential or “relatively” minor issues before they mushroom into catastrophic financial losses.

Enhance Energy Efficiency

Heat loss is a significant issue for homes with damaged roofs. When a roof is not performing optimally, internal heating needs to increase, resulting in costlier utility bills. For example, if a home lacks sufficient attic insulation, heat more easily escapes through the attic and out of the roof. Periodic roof maintenance via an inspection captures inefficiencies and addresses them with smart solutions.

Extend The Roof’s Lifespan

The cost to replace an asphalt shingle roof often exceeds $10,000 (and can cost over $20,000). Extending the useful life of your roof allows you to save funds until a roof replacement becomes necessary. Experts in the roofing industry agree that routine maintenance can add years of life to an existing roof. In fact, many homeowners achieve an additional 5, 10, or more years to their current roof.

Improve The Home’s Safety

The roof serves as a home’s first line of defense against outside elements, including wind, rain, and hail. If a roof becomes compromised, the home faces a greater risk of interior damage. Preserving a roof at its optimal level of performance provides enhanced home security. Routine maintenance, including basic roof repairs, addresses issues as they arise before these problems become unmanageable.

Increase The Home’s Resale Value

For most homeowners, a time will come when they need to place their home on the market. If the roof has been well-maintained, their home will reap the benefits of an aesthetically pleasing appearance (i.e., added curb appeal). Conversely, if a roof has been neglected and shows signs of excess wear and tear, that factor likely will impact the final agreed-upon sale price of the home. Avoid that outcome.

Uphold Any Roof Warranties

Read the fine print. A warranty is much more likely to hold up if the homeowner does their part to maintain their roof reasonably. Poor or no maintenance jeopardizes the terms of the contractual agreement (i.e., the warranty) with the roofing manufacturer. Conducting a routine inspection through a roofing professional at least once annually denotes a concerted effort to monitor the roof’s condition.

Choosing The Ideal Preventive Roof Maintenance Service Provider

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Only select a highly-trained and specialized industry expert when considering who to hire for roof maintenance services at your home. Novices need not apply. A knowledgeable and experienced roofing professional understands the importance of roof maintenance and what steps to take to ensure the homeowner receives a comprehensive analysis of their roofing system’s performance and condition.

A qualified roofing professional will have extensive familiarity and understanding of inspecting roofing systems and possess the tools and equipment necessary to evaluate your roofing system thoroughly. They likely will hold professional certification and educational training in the field of roofing to demonstrate their expertise. Inquire about their background and experience before hiring anyone.

At Alan’s Roofing, we have been Central Florida’s roofing experts for over 35 years. We specialize in roofing because we passionately care about providing homeowners with superior service and unmatched results. As a family-owned and operated business, we are a fully licensed, insured, and certified roofing contractor. Schedule an appointment today if you need roofing services, including roof maintenance.